la salle de sport

The training program for the development of feature-length fiction and documentary films


La Salle de Sport development program offers a unique opportunity for those interested in the world of development to attend Salle de Sport workshops. This program is aimed at film professionals such as creative producers, script editors, development managers and commissioning coordinators, who wish to strengthen their skills in the follow-up of feature film projects.   By joining this program, you’ll have the opportunity to broaden your knowledge of development by discovering the methods and tools used by the Salle de Sport and guest consultants. As a participant, you’ll take part in the workshops as a spectator alongside the writers and consultants, giving you a privileged place to observe from the inside how La Salle de sport uses the collective round-table discussion exercise to bring out the writers’ avenues for reworking, as well as their questions, doubts, proposals and progress in the writing process.

En rejoignant ce programme, vous aurez l’opportunité d’élargir vos connaissances en développement en découvrant les méthodes et les outils utilisés par la Salle de sport et les consultants·es invités·ées. En tant que participant·e, vous serez intérgré·e aux ateliers en tant que spectateur·rice aux côtés des auteurs·rices et des consultants·es, vous offrant ainsi une place privilégiée pour observer depuis l’intérieur comment la Salle de sport utilise l’exercice du tour de table collectif pour faire éclore des pistes de re-travail chez les auteurs·rices, puis les questionnements, les doutes, les propositions et les progressions du processus d’écriture de ces derniers·es.


The workshops are part of the Salle de sport methodology. Through collective feedback and listening, they help participants from day one to identify the main stages in their writing process. Some workshops will be built around specific areas of work, such as – the film’s political theme – or – character development-. As workshops are privileged moments for sharing experience and methodology, we ask external consultants to pass on their own tools to enrich the workshop “toolbox” and offer a diversity of approaches to best adapt to the plurality of participants’ proposals.


Participation in the Salle de Sport development program is reserved for film professionals. Participants will be selected on the basis of the number of places available (two per workshop) and the relevance of their profile to the program. Interested parties will be required to pay a fee of $250 per three-day workshop. This fee includes access to the workshops as spectators for all three days.


List of workshops eligible for the development program


[ Long program ] September 2 – 3 – 4, 2024
[ Short program ] September 9 – 10 – 11, 2024

[ Long program ] October 21 – 22 – 23, 2024

[ Short program ] October 28 – 29 – 30, 2024


[ Long program ] February 3 – 4 – 5, 2025 [ Long program ] March 24 – 25 – 26, 2025

[ Long program ] June 30 and July 1 – 2, 2025


To submit your application, please fill in this registration form, indicating in the appropriate field the date(s) you are interested in. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible to confirm your place in the workshop of your choice. For any questions or information, please contact us info @
(*) Ateliers organisés en présence d'intervenants·es